
Launch of the

Women World Cup


Launch of the

Women World Cup

Job to be done:
Transform spaces at Adidas HQ in Amsterdam into PR experiences where press would be welcomed to witness the launch of the Women World Cup jerseys, the game ball and the new football shoe.
Transforming office space is one of the most rewarding jobs. The canteen became a presentation stage and kit room, full of visuals of the new jerseys, which were on mannequins as well. The gym studio became a bra-fitting room, where interviews were given and changing rooms were built with walls of visuals on them. The sports bar was completely aligned with the new football shoe, presented on a green-lit roundtable surrounded by tribunes so people can easily follow the presentation. Last but not least, the Ajax Room (which we also made in the past) was converted into a space where the athletes could pick up their new kit before heading towards the training field.
Fun fact:
We had 2 weeks to do this, which wasn’t possible if the teamwork between Adidas Global, Adidas Benelux and ourselves hadn’t been so smooth.

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